Cyber Security Centre

Computer Forensics

Are you fully prepared for a security incident? Our highly qualified and security cleared team provides an extensive range of forensic investigation services. We are experts in the field of computer-related abuse and fraud as well as the investigation of mobile phone devices. Download Brochure.


Penetration Testing

Safe from the threat of hackers? How sure are you? Our specialists use state-of-the-art tools and techniques to find out how vulnerable your system is to attacks. We then recommend ways of improving your network security.Download Brochure.

Computer Security Health Check

To get an accurate picture of how your company is exposed to a possible hacking attack, an organisation must first have a full understanding of its network and all of the vulnerabilities that exist in it.  If your network or web site is hacked your customers will lose confidence in your ability to do business with you.  Digicore’s Security Health Check can quickly detect potential network weaknesses and allow you to prevent an attack before it begins. Download Brochure.







Web Security Health Check

It is estimated that as many as 70% of web sites have vulnerabilities that could lead to the theft of sensitive data such as credit card information and customer lists. Hackers are concentrating their efforts on web-based applications – shopping carts, forms, login pages, dynamic content, etc.
Accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the world, insecure web applications provide easy access to backend databases. Digicore’s Web Security Health Check can quickly detect web site weaknesses and allow you to prevent an attack before it begins. Download Brochure.



Information Security Consulting

Digicore helps businesses to strategise and make informed decisions regarding risk management, policy, awareness, disaster recovery and business continuity.Download Brochure.



eDiscovery & Litigation Support

How important to you are the qualities of exceptional speed, expertise and cost effectiveness in your litigation support partner? Digicore in conjunction with 7Safe's NUIX powered eDiscovery service offers an exceptional value, cutting edge, end to end solution. Download Brochure.




Digicore in conjunction with 7Safe can help with all aspects of PCI DSS, including penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, incident response, intrusion forensics, training, and compliance auditing services. Download Brochure.